Archive for the The Spare Tire Tag

Power Bracelet

Energy is something we all wish we could get more of in any given day. You can’t buy it, sell it, and can only obtain it through macronutrients. We all could use a little boost of energy unless you know how to make it. I have tried a number of vitamins and foods that are supposed to boost my energy,
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The Ultimate Post-Workout Food

After working in the fitness industry for an extended period of time, this is one of the main questions I am constantly asked: “What is the best thing to eat after a workout?” My answer surprises many people, but I still think it’s one of the absolute best choice foods to consume after a workout. This magical food is none
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Turning The Heat Up!

We are now in the dog days of summer. Every day is sticky, or hot, or both. You can’t hide from the weather, so we just have to deal with it. The weather does become an issue when you are trying to participate in outdoor activities. The weather we are experiencing now should not be taken without precautions. You hear
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The Power of a Smile

So, I was driving the other day and I passed an older lady who was just casually walking alongside of the road. I noticed that she had a huge smile on her face, and I couldn’t help but wonder why she appeared so happy. After all, she was only walking down the road. As I continued to ponder why this
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Starting From the Beginning

I know it’s easy for me to be all about fitness. It’s something that pumps through my blood that I feel fortunate to have. This love has given me the best shot at controlling my health because without health, how enjoyable is life? Now, at the same time I also know that fitness and health is not everyone’s top priority.
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Different Ways to Burn Calories

Whenever a person wants to burn additional calories, the initial thought is spending more time in the gym. This is definitely one good approach for burning additional calories, but there are many other approaches as well. Most people cringe at the thought of spending more time in the gym, so let’s think outside of the box for some additional calorie
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The Rise of E-commerce

Over the years, e-commerce has gained a lot of popularity. For those of you unfamiliar with the term e-commerce, let me give you a brief definition. E-commerce is another name for online shopping. Online shopping is popping up everywhere. You can shop for gifts, movies, and even groceries just to name a few. It won’t be long before we won’t
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No Need to Wrap It Up: Body Wraps

Belly fat! The number one area everyone wished they had full control. Crunch after crunch, v-ups after v-ups, you just can’t get that stomach to flatten out. So frustration sets in and you think “What can I do to get rid of this body fat so I can fit comfortably in my wedding dress (or tux for you guys)?” You
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Is The Challenge Worth It?

Who doesn’t like challenges? Challenges allow us to push ourselves to the limits. Physical challenges can be the toughest because you are not only challenging your body but also your mind, yet that’s what makes physical challenges so awesome. They are so demanding! Recently there has been a craze for doing tough physical challenges like the tough mudder. If you
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Cover Model Physique

Have you ever been walking through the magazine aisle at your local grocery store and caught a glimpse of a male or female on the cover of a fitness magazine? If so, did you take a look at how perfect there physiques are? How is this even possible? Are there people who actually look like this on a daily basis?
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