Archive for October, 2013

Keep That Blood Circulating!

This is the time of year that your hands, feet, and ears tend to get a little cold. It becomes hard to get comfortable or even sleep when your extremities are always cold. Feeling cold around this time of year is something that comes with the territory, yet feeling cold in your extremities all the time is not a good
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Halloween Special: Tricked By the Treats

Halloween is right around the corner. While Halloween is supposed to be a day for children, many parents like to indulge on these Halloween treats as well. Have you ever caught yourself looking at your child’s bag filled with Halloween candy and waited for them to leave the room so you could steal a piece? Well, here are a few
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I’m Hungry!

It’s been there since day one. It has its bad days and good days. It expands and shrinks while potentially giving you satisfaction and displeasure at the same time. Not going to keep you guessing, but what I am talking about is the human stomach. There are a number of things that occur in the stomach that will leave you
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What’s More Important for Weight Loss?

This is a question that will trick a very large percentage of our population. When referring to weight loss, what’s more important: types of food consumed or amount of calories consumed? If you guessed types of food consumed, you would be wrong. Did you know you can actually get fat from eating only healthy foods if you eat too much
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How Much Stability Do You Really Need?

I have to say exercise is one of those things that has many variations and combinations anyone can put together to make it fun. The ability of variation is what gives people that would otherwise not exercise the motivation. Yet there are exercises that I see quite often that I believe are emphasized way too much. One of the exercise
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What is Functional Training?

It’s the new buzzword in fitness, but what does it really mean? Functional Training is one of the hot new buzzwords of the fitness industry. Many fitness professionals like to claim that they are functional trainers and any trainer who delivers an exercise program directly related to their client’s needs and goal is a functional trainer. This is because “functional
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Foods That Help Allergies in the Fall

Fall is one of the most beautiful times of the year. The leaves are changing colors and the temperatures are perfect with a light jacket. Unfortunately, this season has its flaws as well. One of the main issues with Fall is allergies. This is due to the heavy decay of leaves as they come falling to the ground. Many people
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The Most Influential Men in Fitness

Who are they? And what have they done? There is a good chance that you’ve never heard of Pavel Tsatsouline and Gray cook but, chances are you know of their fitness ideas. These men are two of the most influential people in the fitness world over the past decade. The ideas and practices exposed by them have influenced all areas
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