Archive for August, 2014

Driving Force

What single exercise will give you a false belief that you could kick the next person’s butt that comes across your path? It’s a well-known exercise, yet all the muscles that are working during the exercise are not as known. Some of the top athletes in the world use this exercise as a means to work power, endurance, and coordination
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Eyes in Hands

How many times have you tried swatting a fly and missed? How many times have you tried swatting a mosquito and knocked it out of the air? A little easier, right? Why is that? Well, a fly is quicker than a mosquito in the air. A mosquito hovers and glides while a fly runs circles around that slow moving hand.
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Yawning: Good for the Mind and Body?

Have you ever been in class or a meeting and let out a big yawn? If so, has someone looked at you funny or called you out for being rude? This is fairly common because most people look at yawning as an expression for being bored. Did you know that yawning is actually very healthy for your brain? Yawning has
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