Archive for November, 2013

One Exercise for a Beginner

: Is there one “amazing” exercise for a beginner? We’ve all seen them, articles proclaiming to have fitness figured out in seven exercises or less. These articles proclaim that amazing results can be achieved by following their simple workout routine. I was recently inspired by one such article: Is there one exercise that a beginner could do, and only do,
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You May Be Lactose Intolerant

Have you ever felt bloating or discomfort after consuming dairy products? You are not alone. Did you know that over 65% of the human population suffers from lactose intolerance? That’s an incredibly high percentage! There is a reason for this. Lactose is the sugar found in milk and other dairy products. Our body produces an enzyme called “lactase” which breaks
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Macrobiotics and Probiotics: What Are They?

There are a lot of diets and supplements that make claims that they protect the body and/or fight off diseases. They claim “All you have to do is follow A and B and the chances of you getting a disease are very low”! Thinking about this today, there is one diet and one supplement that comes to mind. Macrobiotics Macrobiotics
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The Danger of Chicken

In the news this week, you may have noticed headlines stating that eating chicken is dangerous. Hopefully before taking chicken off of your menu, you decided to do a little research on this topic. As usual, the media is trying to add a little extra sizzle to their headlines by scaring the general public with one of our most commonly
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Healthy Restaurants

Sitting in traffic today all I could think about was food. This thought was not much of a surprise since I did only have one sandwich in a 9 hour work day. Just alone on the highway, I passed about 3 or 4 fast food restaurants. From Outback, to McDonald’s, to Wendy’s, I could easily imagine myself munching down on
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Holiday Hangover Cure???

A new study just recently came out for hangovers. This study is claiming that the soda “Sprite” may be one of the best beverage choices when it comes to fighting a hangover. So, is this claim realistic, or is it just an impressive marketing tactic for Sprite? Let’s see if this study may hold weight. Let’s begin with the fact
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