Archive for the Belly Tag

I’m Hungry!

It’s been there since day one. It has its bad days and good days. It expands and shrinks while potentially giving you satisfaction and displeasure at the same time. Not going to keep you guessing, but what I am talking about is the human stomach. There are a number of things that occur in the stomach that will leave you
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Don’t Believe The Lies About Belly Fat!

I have noticed a lot of news articles coming out about “Belly Fattening Foods” and “Foods That Will Add Pounds To Your Waistline.” The sad thing is that some of these articles are coming from what most people would consider reputable news sources. The main concept to these articles is that there are certain foods that will add pounds to
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The Quest For Abs

One of the biggest myths in the fitness industry is how to get ripped abs. Television commercials, magazine articles, and internet resources will lead you to believe that doing endless ab work or trying a new piece of exercise equipment will uncover those muscles underneath the belly fat. They will even try to convince you that a magic pill will
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