Archive for August, 2012

Work Smarter Not Longer

Far too often when people who workout stop seeing positive improvement in there body, they result to the idea that “more is better.” In my earlier years, I too fell victim to this philosophy. I was in the gym over two hours at a time doing an absurd amount of exercises and repetitions only to see no kind of results.
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Bottoms Up!

So you come home from a long day of work, you grab something to eat, and you head to the gym for a quick workout. While driving, you start to feel sluggish, then tired, then wanting to make that U-turn to head back home because now you don’t feel like going to the gym. So instead of making that U-turn,
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This Topic Was Just “Egging” Me On

Oh boy, where to begin with this one? CNN just recently released an article called “Is eating egg yolks as bad as smoking?” In this article, it discussed how the dangers of smoking are comparable to the dangers of eating egg yolks as far as cardiovascular disease. The cholesterol in the egg yolk is what supposedly makes them so dangerous,
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Turning Good Foods Bad

Everyone knows fruits and vegetables are healthy for us, there is no question about it. They are loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and are even low in calories. Then why is it that so many people who eat their fruits and vegetables are still overweight? There are a few different answers to this question and today I’ll be focusing on
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Spraying Down Your Food

So, you are in your local grocery store and you pick up some celery, rotate it to see if there’s any imperfection, you are satisfied with what you see, so you place it inside your cart. You stroll down the next isle and you see another stalk of celery that’s deformed and ugly but yet has an organic sticker. You
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It’s NOT a No-Brainer When Choosing a Trainer

It’s a sad day in age when more people are capable of getting injured with a personal trainer than training by themselves. It has become all too easy to obtain certifications for personal training and the personal training industry is growing rapidly each year. As a matter of fact, rated personal training as the 7th hottest job of 2012!
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Puddles of Sweat

What do you think of when you hear the word “cardio”? Do you think about hours of enjoyment? Maybe you think of it as a nice stress reliever after a long day of work. It’s possible you think about how much you hate the damn thing and imagine going all Office Space on its ass. If you are like me,
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1.Your teen will stop growing if he does what…?

Yeah, I heard this one way too many times. I’ve had mothers come up to me saying “I am worried about my kid!” “I am afraid that if he continues, this will make him short!” Oh, here’s a good one; “I don’t want him to be a little person!” If that’s not extreme, then what is? There are very few
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Chinese Olympic Swimmer Doping?

The Olympics are finally here! One of the more controversial issues that arose from the 2012 Olympics concerned Ye Shiwen, a 16 year old Chinese swimmer. Shiwen managed to take home the gold medal in the 400m individual medley by shaving 5 seconds off her personal best time and beating the previous world record by over 1 second! Not only
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