Archive for the 'Random' Category

Washing Hands with Soap and Water

Have you ever found yourself giving someone an evil stare as they walk out of the bathroom without washing their hands? How about someone who just rinses their hands with water but no soap? Of course you’re going to give them an evil stare! Washing your hands with just water is about as effective as not washing your hands at
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Ebola Scare: Anti-Drugs

As nerves settle and fears are put to the side, we all breathe a sigh of relief from the recent Ebola scare. Even though it’s not completely over, having a little more faith that the person next to us who just sneezed may only be getting a cold and nothing more. The scariest thing about the whole Ebola situation wasn’t
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How Old Are You Really?

We all know that we are becoming older each and every day. Year by year the aches, pains, and wrinkles become more prevalent as we age. There is very little we can do to stop the aging process right now. You walk around each day and you probably see people at the same chronological age, yet if you were to
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Hot Water

How many times have you entered the gym and felt like…mmm I’m forgetting something. How many times have you walked into work and felt like…mmm there’s something missing. In both situations you realize that you had left your water bottle in the back seat of your car. Also, in both situations you decided not to head back to grab the
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Ice Bucket Challenge

We have all seen it. You can’t flip a channel or scan the internet without seeing someone new doing the challenge. The ice bucket challenge has swept the nation by storm taking over every community and neighborhood. So what’s this whole idea about dumping ice cold water (not always cold for some of those cheaters out there) on top of
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Eyes in Hands

How many times have you tried swatting a fly and missed? How many times have you tried swatting a mosquito and knocked it out of the air? A little easier, right? Why is that? Well, a fly is quicker than a mosquito in the air. A mosquito hovers and glides while a fly runs circles around that slow moving hand.
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Yawning: Good for the Mind and Body?

Have you ever been in class or a meeting and let out a big yawn? If so, has someone looked at you funny or called you out for being rude? This is fairly common because most people look at yawning as an expression for being bored. Did you know that yawning is actually very healthy for your brain? Yawning has
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Power Bracelet

Energy is something we all wish we could get more of in any given day. You can’t buy it, sell it, and can only obtain it through macronutrients. We all could use a little boost of energy unless you know how to make it. I have tried a number of vitamins and foods that are supposed to boost my energy,
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Turning The Heat Up!

We are now in the dog days of summer. Every day is sticky, or hot, or both. You can’t hide from the weather, so we just have to deal with it. The weather does become an issue when you are trying to participate in outdoor activities. The weather we are experiencing now should not be taken without precautions. You hear
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The Power of a Smile

So, I was driving the other day and I passed an older lady who was just casually walking alongside of the road. I noticed that she had a huge smile on her face, and I couldn’t help but wonder why she appeared so happy. After all, she was only walking down the road. As I continued to ponder why this
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