Archive for January, 2013

Doctor Approved Weight Loss Supplements

I’m sure you’ve seen a commercial like this many times before. You see a weight loss supplement that offers almost instant results, and it appears too good to be true. Wait a minute?? At the end of the commercial, a doctor approves it and tells you how he/she has been using it to get these rapid results? This product may
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Don’t Believe The Lies About Belly Fat!

I have noticed a lot of news articles coming out about “Belly Fattening Foods” and “Foods That Will Add Pounds To Your Waistline.” The sad thing is that some of these articles are coming from what most people would consider reputable news sources. The main concept to these articles is that there are certain foods that will add pounds to
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Ahhh!! I Need A Backiotomy

It’s one of those pains you dread as soon as you feel it! When it does happen, the only thing you can do is ice, heat, and keep your fingers crossed that the pain will be gone by the morning. Back pain is no joke and it can be as minor as a tweak or as serious as micro fractures,
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Flu Shot?? I Think Not

The season of the flu is upon us. If you are like the majority of the population, one of the major thoughts on your mind is where to get your flu shot. The flu shot is in high demand at the moment, and many places aren’t carrying enough to fulfill this demand. Many people may be left without a flu
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The Misinformation Age

In the past decade or so we have seen a huge jump in technology in what we have so graciously deemed “The Information Age.” Computers, cellphones, and televisions have all become a normal part of our life. We are able to access and receive information faster then ever before. With the great advancement comes a lot of downfalls. We are
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Keep Those Knees Behind The Toes

Squats, lunges, leg press, all seem easy, right? Well, that’s what I thought until I started to pay more attention to how people were doing this time and time again, wrong! I saw this guy throwing two 45’s on each side of a smith machine, and with slight flexion of his knees completed what he thought was a squat. It
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The Quest For Abs

One of the biggest myths in the fitness industry is how to get ripped abs. Television commercials, magazine articles, and internet resources will lead you to believe that doing endless ab work or trying a new piece of exercise equipment will uncover those muscles underneath the belly fat. They will even try to convince you that a magic pill will
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Don’t Quit Before You Start

With a new year comes the new year resolutions, and for most people it involves getting back in shape or losing some of those extra pounds. For the majority of people these resolutions end before they have a chance to get started. The following are a few ways to help keep your resolution going, or to just help get it
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