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The Misinformation Age

In the past decade or so we have seen a huge jump in technology in what we have so graciously deemed “The Information Age.” Computers, cellphones, and televisions have all become a normal part of our life. We are able to access and receive information faster then ever before. With the great advancement comes a lot of downfalls. We are also bombarded with a lot of false and useless information.

The fitness industry is one of the major contributors to this false information. From the fat loss products to the latest fitness equipment, they are all equally guilty of misinforming you. Regardless of what the product is, they all have one thing in common. They all try to make you believe that you will see instant results, or see results within a short period of time with little work or effort.

If you haven’t heard this yet, then you better brace yourself because I’m about to drop a bomb on your preconception of fitness! There is no such thing as instant results or results that can be achieved in a short period of time! These are just sales gimmicks to get you to buy their products. The fitness industry is just like any other corporation, they want your money and aren’t opposed to lying to you in order to get it.

These people you see in the infomercials are payed actors and actresses who’s job it is to look good! Many of which don’t even use the product they are advertising, and who are also using supplements not obtainable by the average person. The only way you are truly going to achieve the results you are looking for is with hard work and determination. Maybe in thirty years from now there will be a miracle pill we can all take, but as of the moment to get that amazing body it’s going to take time, effort, and a lot of sweat!
