Archive for the Ab Exercises Tag

Driving Force

What single exercise will give you a false belief that you could kick the next person’s butt that comes across your path? It’s a well-known exercise, yet all the muscles that are working during the exercise are not as known. Some of the top athletes in the world use this exercise as a means to work power, endurance, and coordination
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How NOT to Get a Thin Waist Line

As a trainer “how do I get a thin waist line?” is one of the most commonly asked questions I receive from my female clients. For my answer, I don’t tend to tell them the step by step method for how to develop a thin waist line, but I tell them what NOT to do if they want to develop
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The Quest For Abs

One of the biggest myths in the fitness industry is how to get ripped abs. Television commercials, magazine articles, and internet resources will lead you to believe that doing endless ab work or trying a new piece of exercise equipment will uncover those muscles underneath the belly fat. They will even try to convince you that a magic pill will
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