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I’m Hungry!

It’s been there since day one. It has its bad days and good days. It expands and shrinks while potentially giving you satisfaction and displeasure at the same time. Not going to keep you guessing, but what I am talking about is the human stomach. There are a number of things that occur in the stomach that will leave you in awe.

The stomach is more than just a holding cell for food that was previously consumed. It’s the prerequisite for any food that is digested later in the alimentary tract. Any malfunctions or imbalances that occur in the stomach may not directly affect the stomach but will affect how nutrients are dispersing through the rest of the body. With the stomach comes many myths and facts. Check and see if you know any of the ones below.

Consuming spicy food is the leading cause of stomach ulcers.

Myth: whether it’s spicy or sour, no food is known to cause ulcers. Ulcers are actually caused by a bacterium called helicobacter pylori. It’s thought that helicobacter pylori are passed by contaminated foods or by person to person contact. Also, some over-the-counter drugs, smoking, and alcohol are possible promoters of ulcers. Lastly, contrary to popular belief, stress can be scratched off as an ulcer causer.

A person that is 150lbs has a smaller stomach than someone who is 300lbs.

Myth: An empty adult human stomach is about the same size whether you are 150lbs or 300lbs. The only difference will be that someone who is larger will have the ability to expand their stomach more readily due to the decrease in ghrelin (Ghrelin is a hormone that tells the brain that you are no longer hungry). The decreased ghrelin will prolong the hunger phase allowing for more consumption. For someone of normal size the ghrelin is high, which will turn off the hunger phase much sooner resulting in less food consumed.

400 calories of chocolate syrup is equal to 400 calories of lettuce.

Fact: A calorie is a measurement of energy which is why 400 calories is the same measurement whether it’s a solid, liquid, or anything else you can think of. That said, there is a difference on how your body sees these foods. 400 calories of a liquid or simple carbs do not take up much space in the stomach resulting in prolonged hunger and the consumption of more food. On the other hand, complex carbs or foods high in fiber will expand (with water) resulting in reaching fullness quicker with the same amount of calories.

Did any of these myths surprise you?
