Home » The Power of a Smile

The Power of a Smile

So, I was driving the other day and I passed an older lady who was just casually walking alongside of the road. I noticed that she had a huge smile on her face, and I couldn’t help but wonder why she appeared so happy. After all, she was only walking down the road. As I continued to ponder why this woman had such a big smile on her face I noticed something strange. I now had a big smile on my face as well. Her smile must have been contagious!

Smiling is a very powerful facial expression. Smiling has the power to change your own mood and other people’s moods around you. If you’re ever in a bad mood, try to put on a smile. You’ll be surprised how quickly it can change your mood. If someone else is in a bad mood, smile at them. You may just turn their frown upside down.

Smiling has so many more benefits than most people realize. Did you know that smiling not only changes moods, but it can also relieve stress? Smiling also has the ability to boost your immune system. Your immune system functions more efficiently when your body is relaxed, and a smile naturally relaxes your body. Another magical feature of the smile is it actually lowers your blood pressure! If you don’t believe me, give it a try. Take your blood pressure. Smile for a minute. Take your blood pressure again. Did you notice a difference in your numbers?

The main reason why the smile is so powerful is because it releases endorphins. Endorphins are natural pain killers, so you’ll naturally feel better after your body releases them. So, never underestimate the power of a smile. It has the ability to change a negative moment into a positive moment. Take some time to smile more frequently, and you’ll start realizing that there is a lot to smile about in life.
