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Starting From the Beginning

I know it’s easy for me to be all about fitness. It’s something that pumps through my blood that I feel fortunate to have. This love has given me the best shot at controlling my health because without health, how enjoyable is life?

Now, at the same time I also know that fitness and health is not everyone’s top priority. I wish it was, but in the real world it just isn’t. So what is a person to do if they want to make a permanent change and make their health a number one priority?

Well, what many don’t understand is that healthy changes are life changes. One of the reasons why many drift away from their exercise and/or nutrition program after a couple of weeks is due to not accepting the lifestyle change.

It’s not easy making permanent lifestyle changes whether its fitness related or not. So, what’s a person to do if they want to make that fitness life change? Well first you have to ask yourself are you ready to change your life? It’s a heavy question but in order to make changes you have to ask hard questions. When you feel ready to give up those bad habits that is when you can take the next step.

What’s the next step?

Well, you probably want to start with what’s easy for you, giving up bad habits or adding good habits to your life. Try not to start too big such as giving up your favorite sugar cookie for a month especially if you have them every day.

Start small, maybe very small such as giving up eating those cookies for one day. Too many times a person tries to hit a home run on their first shot. In fitness and also in nutrition the ones that take baby steps are usually the ones making life changes. Never get discouraged because of road blocks. Use them as motivation to go harder. Remember, having great health is not a destination; it’s a journey.
