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The Rise of E-commerce

Over the years, e-commerce has gained a lot of popularity. For those of you unfamiliar with the term e-commerce, let me give you a brief definition. E-commerce is another name for online shopping. Online shopping is popping up everywhere. You can shop for gifts, movies, and even groceries just to name a few. It won’t be long before we won’t even need to leave our house! This sounds amazing and convenient! This also presents a major problem.

For many who aren’t aware, the United States is already the country with the highest rate of obesity of any developed nation. You’ll notice as technology has taken over, the obesity rate in the United States has gone up and is estimated to continue rising. I would argue that this isn’t a mere coincidence. Due to e-commerce, we have no need to leave our houses for most situations. Most Americans already aren’t getting enough daily exercise to begin with, but now they are getting even less because of the decreasing need to leave the house to shop.

Does e-commerce make life easier? Yes. Does it save a lot of stress during the busy holidays? Yes. Is it okay that e-commerce is turning us into a country that is too lazy to leave there house and experience life. NO!!!

Does anyone remember what the inside of a movie store looks like? I know… it’s been a while. There use to be a time when you could actually go to a movie store, look on actual shelves, and pick out a movie to rent. Now, movies are either rented through your television or from a kiosk in your local grocery store. Is it just me, or do others miss the experience of actually going to a movie store and searching for that perfect movie to watch for the night? E-commerce has its benefits, but for as long as it continues to grow, I’m predicting an increase in our obesity population. Don’t let e-commerce take over. A little extra exercise daily won’t kill you. In fact, it will most likely add some additional time to your life.
