When It Becomes Too Much

Dictionary.com states that addiction is the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming. When most people hear addiction they think of drugs which are not always the case. The surprising thing about addiction is that it has no boundaries and the fitness world is no exception. So how could
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Sweating Out the Sickness

How often have you heard the saying “sweating out the sickness?” Do you personally believe this is possible? There must be some truth behind this saying because many people come out from the gym feeling better when they’re sick. Can you actually recover from being sick faster if you go to the gym? The bad news is going to the
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Swimming With The Fishes

I have never been very good in the water. I can’t swim very well which is one reason why I stay away from pools, lakes, and oceans. Yet, at times I feel like I am missing out on all the fun things I could do in the water such as water aerobics. I know it seems like something old people
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Are You Lactose Intolerant?

Have you ever found yourself feeling bloated after consuming a delicious hot fudge sundae? Do you ever feel pain or cramping in your lower abdomen after eating a grilled cheese sandwich? How many of you fear drinking a glass of milk in the morning because you may pay for it later in the day? You are not alone. Did you
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Who Wants To Be A Seal?!

Here comes another fad. It was only a matter of time before another potentially harmful and excessive workout routine was going to hit the market. Crossfit is still at the top, yet this new workout fad may actually keep Crossfit around longer due to its incorporation of Crossfit .It was designed to expose the one percent of the one percent.
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Chocolate Pills!!!

No, you didn’t read the name of this article incorrectly. A new study is taking place to see if the nutrients in dark chocolate can actually promote heart health. Chocolate pills may sound exciting, but you won’t be getting the same enjoyment as eating an actually chocolate bar unfortunately. This may not actually be a bad thing though. How many
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Unnecessary Data

Technology is collapsing around us like a blanket. It’s inevitable that one day we will all become connected to a form of technology to which we will not know the difference between the virtual and reality world. Until then technology is going to continue to enter every market with the fitness market as its next target. Fitness Heart monitors have
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Skinny Fat

Everyone has that friend or knows an individual that can eat any and everything without putting on a single pound. You go to the restaurant and they always have the biggest plates filled with the fattiest, most unhealthy meal that one could eat! The mighty shocker is that this same individual has never stepped foot in the gym yet they
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How to Avoid Shin Splints

After months of suffering through this brutal Winter the Spring is finally starting to peek through the cracks. With nice weather come more outdoor activities. One of the most common outdoor activities is running. Running may seem harmless enough, but many runners suffer from the same common injury. It is known as “shin splints”. What are shin splints you ask?
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Smoked Meat

Ok, so as a species we have been on this earth for thousands of years. In the early years, before we could just go to the store and buy our own food we were hunter and gatherers. We lived off the land and ate what was available and did not consume any processed foods. Now back in the Neanderthal days
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