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When It Becomes Too Much

Dictionary.com states that addiction is the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming. When most people hear addiction they think of drugs which are not always the case.

The surprising thing about addiction is that it has no boundaries and the fitness world is no exception. So how could someone ever be addicted to exercise? Heck, 60 percent of people just hate thinking about exercise let alone doing it. Yet, for how rare exercise addiction is, individuals who have an addictive personality can become a statistic to this addiction.

So what classifies an exercise addict?

Basically it’s someone who can’t go a day without exercising. The stress of not exercising will affect them emotional and physically more than the average person.

An exercise addict has no distinguishing appearance. Unlike eating or drug addiction, a person with exercise addiction can appear the same as someone who maintains a normal exercise routine. They appear healthy but really have an underlying issue. Someone with exercise addiction will want more training and act as if excessive training is normal.

Some of the scientific research has said individuals that are runners are at the highest risk for addiction, while self-esteem is the most problematic trait. There still needs to be much more research in order for these claims to be truly valid.

Well isn’t a healthy addiction a good addiction?

The answer for that would be no and that is because anything that consumes a person’s life to the point that all else becomes a far second is not a great habit, whether it’s healthy or not.

So, what can one do?

Well, if you feel that you or someone you know has abnormal exercise patterns get in contact with a trainer that could steer you or your friend in the right direction for a healthier fitness plan. Remember, no addiction is a good addiction, even exercise.
