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How to Avoid Shin Splints

After months of suffering through this brutal Winter the Spring is finally starting to peek through the cracks. With nice weather come more outdoor activities. One of the most common outdoor activities is running. Running may seem harmless enough, but many runners suffer from the same common injury. It is known as “shin splints”. What are shin splints you ask? Shin splints refer to pain along the tibia, also known as the shinbone. Why are they so common among runners? A few reasons come to my mind. They would be lack of form while running, increasing your running duration, frequency, or intensity, and they can even come from shoes that aren’t fitted properly. So, how do you avoid shin splints?

The first thing to remember when you begin running is your body needs to build into it. You can’t go months without running and instantly run 5 to 10 miles. Your body isn’t ready for this drastic increase in movement or pressure. Start out slow and build yourself up to longer running times. This will give your joints and muscles time to grow with the additional stress you’re putting on them.

Form is a major contributor to shin splints. If I asked most people how they would run a long distance race, they would say by running heal to toe. This is incorrect because when you plant your heal, it causes your toes to slam to the ground causing pressure in your shins. I guess the correct way to run long distance would be on the toes then, right? Incorrect. This puts way too much pressure on the calf muscles and makes them more vulnerable to injury. It’s important when you’re running long distance to land in the middle of your foot. This keeps pressure even throughout your foot.

No matter how you look at it, frequent running increases your chances of shin splints. Keep you shins strong by giving them proper time to recover. After a day of intense running, it wouldn’t hurt to spend the next few days biking, walking, or doing other cardiovascular activities that won’t put as much pressure on the shins. This method of doing different physical activities is called cross training, and it’s a very effective method for preventing injuries and getting results. Shin splints can take the enjoyment out of running, so don’t become another victim to them.
