Archive for the joint pain Tag

Leg Toning With Bad Knees

This seems to be a very common issue among the fitness world. For people who have been active for most of their lives, it’s not rare that they may suffer from bad knees. This is a side effect from over-use of the joints in the knees. Due to constant pain in the knees, many people begin to believe that they
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Swimming With The Fishes

I have never been very good in the water. I can’t swim very well which is one reason why I stay away from pools, lakes, and oceans. Yet, at times I feel like I am missing out on all the fun things I could do in the water such as water aerobics. I know it seems like something old people
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I Prefer The Road…Thank You

It’s 6:30 sharp Monday morning. It’s Memorial Day and you decide today will be the first day you begin your 5 mile run each day for 3 months. Three weeks go by and you see improvements on each run making you excited that your new workout is working! The next day you head into work and you over hear your
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