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Music Psychology While Exercising

How often do you hear a great song come onto the radio and find yourself tapping your foot to the beat? Movement is a natural response to certain types of music. Were you aware that music can be a powerful tool while working out? It’s not a coincidence that so many people are listening to their ipods while exercising, and the gym itself is playing up-tempo music. So, why is music such a great tool for getting an intense workout?

First, the right kind of music elevates your mood. When your mood is elevated, it makes it much easier to stay energetic and motivated in the gym. It’s amazing how certain songs have such a strong effect on how someone feels. Have you ever found yourself trying to avoid a certain song because it reminds you of something upsetting in your past? Music has a very unique effect on mood, so it’s always best to listen to something up-beat and positive while exercising.

Second, music reduces the perceived effort while working out. Many studies have shown that people bike longer and run farther when listening to music. This could have something to do with tempo. When your body is moving to a rhythmic beat, it keeps a steady pace; thus allowing you to go for a more extended time by decreasing your energy expenditure.

Third, and potentially the most important one; music can be a major distraction from the pain and fatigue you feel while exercising. After so much time exercising, your brain starts sending signals that you are getting tired. Your heart begins to beat faster, sweat starts to pour out of your body, and you start to feel the lactic acid filling up your muscles. The exciting part about music is its ability to distract the brain of these fatigue signs for a certain period of time. This allows your intensity to continue and the length of your workouts to increase.

So, pick a few of your favorite artists, download some intense workout music, and get ready for some of the best workouts of your life! The psychology behind music is intriguing, especially when it comes to exercising. Take advantage of this cheap option for enhancing your workouts.
