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To All The Naysayer’s…Oink Oink

Most people think it’s dirty, contaminated, disgusting, and just down right unhealthy! Consuming junk for food is no understatement for this animal. Slop (aka leftovers) is this animal’s main course; making people believe “why would I want to eat something that’s full of junk?” Literally!

Adding to the fact it’s notoriously known for creating an epidemic. Why would you want to eat such an animal? Pigs, like poultry and meats, do have a healthy side that will shock you!

It’s unbelievable what nutrients they provide in that fatty, round, cylinder of a body. At the end of this, you will feel less guilty eating that juicy hamburger with those crispy brown strips of bacon.

Now, is pork fatty? Well yes, but what’s around some of that fat? For starters, pork contains protein, and a pretty good source of protein at that. Depending on the cut of the pig (head, ribs, butt) 22% can be made of protein. Who ever said you need a protein shake with a meal?

With addition to the protein, you can also obtain a good source of Thiamine. For every 100grams, you can receive almost ¾ of your recommended daily requirement! For everyone who does not know much about Thiamine, Thiamine aids in metabolizing sugars, which in return aids in repairing muscles after a hard workout. So for anyone trying to build some muscle, pork is a nice little source.

Surprisingly, in a roundabout way, pork aids in getting oxygen through your body. See, pork is a solid source for iron. Iron is used to make hemoglobin (found in blood) and myoglobin (found in muscle) so oxygen can be transported through the body. So yes, in a roundabout way pork does help you breathe. Who would have thought?

Look, pork gets a lot of its bad rep because at the end of the processing of the pork there is an increase in salt. With the addition of fat, it sounds like an unhealthy product.

Yet, just like poultry, you can buy lean and low sodium pork. Now, I am not saying fill your diet with pork. Just do not allow all the hoopla drive you from enjoying one of the tastiest foods on the market.
