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Exercise and You Can Eat Anything You Want!

This is a very common misconception in the fitness community. Frequently, I talk to people who tell me they work out every day, but they still can’t shed that stubborn fat. The first thing that comes to my mind is “What’s your diet look like?” Many people believe that working out is a “free pass” to eat anything you want, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Can you eat more calories if you have an active lifestyle? Absolutely! However, this doesn’t mean you can eat anything you want. An extra serving of dessert isn’t necessarily the best reward for a good workout if your main goal is to lose fat. Unfortunately, keeping fat off of your body isn’t an easy task and it gets even more difficult as you age. The good news is if you are disciplined and stick to a steady workout program while keeping your diet healthy, you will be looking good and feeling good for the rest of your life.

Many people workout to lose weight, but some people workout so they can indulge in food from time to time, and this is perfectly fine. If you are someone like this, you probably understand that you have to enjoy life. Being on a strict diet for the rest of your life just isn’t the way to live. People who are not focused on weight loss should just make sure they aren’t gaining weight due to indulging too often or frequently. I often hear “Ever since I started working out, I’ve gained weight.” Besides muscle, you are never going to gain weight from working out, especially not fat! If you notice you are gaining weight while working out, it means you may want to re-evaluate what you’re eating. Don’t blame the exercising!

Just remember, if fat loss is your #1 goal, regular exercise and a healthy diet is the only way to achieve this. You should be able to enjoy foods that you crave every once in a while, but don’t go overboard and don’t do it too frequently just because you exercise. Exercising does speed up your metabolism, but it doesn’t make you invincible to gaining weight. If you ever stop exercising (hopefully not), it’s important to know that your diet can no longer stay the same if you don’t want to put on body fat. You will no longer be burning as many calories in a day, so your body won’t need to take in as much food. Try not to learn this lesson the hard way.
