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Sweating While Exercising

When you’re at the gym, you may notice some people sweat much more than others. When someone sweats more, does it mean they are working out more intensely? Could it mean if you sweat less, that you aren’t pushing yourself in the gym hard enough? Maybe, but not necessarily.

While sweating can be a sign of an intense activity, this isn’t always the case. Some people just naturally sweat more than others, while others barely sweat at all. Sweating is your body’s natural reaction to help you cool off. It helps us regulate our body temperature. Not all body temperatures are the same. Some of us just run hotter than others.

You may notice that people who carry more weight than others may have a tendency to sweat more frequently. The excess fat insulates their body causing them to overheat more easily. Sweating more frequently isn’t just limited to people who are overweight. You may notice someone underweight who sweats excessively as well. This can be caused by a condition called hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis is characterized by an increase in perspiration in excess of that required for body temperature regulation. Sweating can even be caused by something as simple as stress or not being properly hydrated.

Another common misconception about sweating is the thought that it releases toxins. Sweat releases about 1% of toxins. The rest is just sodium and water. When you hear of people spending an hour in the sauna to sweat out toxins, they are just dehydrating themselves. This is why spending lengthy amounts of time in a sauna can be so dangerous to your health.

From now on, don’t measure the intensity of your workouts based on the amount you are sweating. Measure the intensity of your workouts by how fast your heart is beating and how much your muscles are burning. When you see someone at the gym sweating excessively, don’t assume that they are working harder than you. Just make sure they wipe off the equipment after using it. There’s nothing worse than being drenched in someone else’s sweat.
