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Top Fat Loss Supplement: Water!

We all know that water is essential to the human body. Some of us are even aware that water makes up close to 70% of our body composition! One thing that many people are unaware of is the extreme effectiveness of water when it comes to fat loss. If you are looking to lose body fat, one of the most important things you can do is increase your water intake. I’m serious!

Most people don’t drink enough water in the first place. When I ask someone how much water you should consume in a given day, the answer is normally 8 glasses. That’s an okay start, but what about those active individuals who are sweating away that water in the gym? How about on those 90 degree Summer days? Should the 8 glasses of water be just as sufficient for a 100 lb. gymnast in comparison to a 200 lb. bodybuilder? As you can see, there are a lot of different variables when it comes to how much water you should be drinking. I tell my clients that they should aim for half of their body weight in ounces of water. You get this calculation by taking (your body weight in pounds / 2 = oz. of water per day). A 200 lb. bodybuilder would be calculated like this: (200 / 2 = 100 oz. of water per day). Note: if you are feeling thirsty after consuming this amount, it means drink more!! Everybody is different and we each require different amounts. Now, let’s get back on topic.

Not only is water essential for human life, but it clears your body of toxins and helps fats pass through your body before they have the chance to be stored. As if this wasn’t enough, it also transports nutrients throughout your body! If you’re taking vitamins or if you’re on a high protein diet, it would be nice to know that the nutrients are being sent to the proper places, right? You may also notice that drinking a large amount of water can give you a feeling of fullness. This is a great strategy if you’re having a craving for that left-over piece of birthday cake because water has 0 calories! This is why water plays such an important role while on a low-calorie diet. Your belly isn’t constantly growling at you to eat something. Don’t believe me? Give it a try, and I’m sure you will see a big difference that goes far beyond the effects of a diet pill.
