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Clearance Rack Bargains

If you ever plan on using a workout supplement, it’s important to do some research on the product first. The combination of bad products and hundreds of new supplement companies popping up every year makes trying a new workout supplement a risky procedure. Fortunately, the FDA has been cracking down on more supplement companies recently. Unfortunately, with the growing volume of supplement companies starting each year it’s nearly impossible for the FDA to keep up with them.

It’s not uncommon while visiting a supplement store (GNC, Vitamin World, Vitamin Shoppe, etc…) to come across a clearance bin. Many times a supplement may be in there due to its expiration date. This most likely isn’t a product you need to worry about. However, if you notice a large amount of one specific supplement company name in the bin, it’s important that you do your research on this product. When large amounts of a supplement company’s product get sent to the clearance bin, that usually means the FDA found something in their product that shouldn’t be there. What could you possibly find in a workout supplement that is sold on the shelves at your local store you ask? Well, one recent example is a supplement called “Craze.”

Craze is a pre-workout supplement that the FDA recently found a meth-like substance in it. This is just one of the many examples of dangerous supplements sold at your local stores. Don’t think for a second that just because something is selling in a health and nutrition store that it’s healthy for you. Results are much more important than health when it comes to selling a product in the fitness industry. Many of these products stay on the shelves because it’s difficult for the FDA to prove that these supplements are dangerous, let alone if they can even produce the results they claim. Banning a supplement can be a lengthy process, and usually someone has to be harmed by the product before they will even consider banning a supplement. Not too reassuring.

So, how should you go about trying new workout supplements? It’s always best to choose a company with a long-standing reputation. These companies are the BIG DOGS in the industry and they have too strong of a reputation to put illegal substances in their products. Next, if the product is on the clearance bin, it will only be for a few reasons: the expiration date, the company going out of business or discontinuing a product due to poor sales, or illegal substances found within the supplement. Research the supplement’s name and make sure there are no recent headlines in the news talking about the product. Last, if you see a supplement getting rave reviews, there is a good chance the supplement company may have put some SPECIAL ingredients into the product.

Do the big companies sell their items at higher prices? Yes. Are clearance bins a temptation when you see those amazing deals? Yes. Is risking your health to save a few bucks a good investment? No. Being a bargain shopper can be very beneficial, but not when it comes to your health.
