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Should Women Lift Heavy?

If you have ever gone to a gym, you have most likely seen numerous occurrences of men lifting heavy weights and women lifting dinky, colored weights. I have been told far too many times by my female clients “I don’t want to lift big weights because I don’t want to bulk up or put on too much muscle.” It’s thought by many that heavy weight and lower reps increases muscle mass, while light weight and more reps tones your muscle. While this is partially true, it still isn’t completely correct. This observation holds truth more so for men than it does for women.

Unless you are a genetic freak with a large amount of testosterone flowing through your body, as a female, it is nearly impossible to put on the same amount of muscle mass as a guy. The male body produces almost 20 times more testosterone than a woman on a given day! This gives men quite an advantage. Testosterone is the key hormone for promoting muscle growth. With such a limited supply of testosterone in a female body, it is very difficult to go beyond a certain level of muscle mass.

Women should not be afraid to lift heavy in the gym. In fact, it is encouraged! With proper form, lifting heavy weights will help to tone your muscles, strengthen your bones and joints, and help you break through plateaus while working out. Most female bodies only want to hold a certain amount of muscle on their frame anyway. You may be asking, “What about female bodybuilders?” Let’s just say that most of them are most likely chemically enhanced. So, all you women pick up some heavy weights and start putting some of us guys to shame at the gym. Believe me; we need a reality check from time to time.
