Home » The Dangers of Soy

The Dangers of Soy

There has been a lot of debate in the past few years over the benefits of soy protein. Soy protein does have many benefits. It is the only protein from a plant source that contains all of the essential amino acids. Research has also shown soy to be beneficial for cholesterol levels, and it may even have cancer fighting effects! Since soy has so many health benefits, we should be taking lots of it, right? If you have ever heard the expression “more isn’t always better,” this is definitely one of those cases.

Soy protein has been known to increase the amount of estrogen production in men. Men already produce some estrogen, so this shouldn’t be a problem, but too much estrogen can cause an imbalance in hormone levels. Men who have too much estrogen run the risk of hair loss, breast development, and an increased risk of cancer. Did you know that development of breast cancer in men is becoming more common in recent years? Most people don’t even have a clue that men can develop breast cancer, so this is just something to think about.

In women, consuming soy products has been thought to decrease chances of breast cancer, help menopausal symptoms (hot flashes, night sweats, etc…), and even improve cognition. If the research is correct, these are amazing benefits! However, soy does have at least one major risk for women. Researchers are recently finding out that large amounts of soy may cause infertility! Now, this hasn’t been fully proven yet, so don’t start using soy as a form of birth control! Did you know that fairly often when a woman is incapable of getting pregnant, diet tends to be one of the first things a doctor looks at? Can you guess which food they often get rid of first?

Although soy protein does have its benefits, it also has its dangers as well. These dangers should not be overlooked, especially for men. Men should heavily limit their intake of soy and possibly even eliminate it from their diet. Women can most likely still enjoy soy in small doses. Even healthy foods in large doses can become bad for you, so just remember that everything in moderation is the key. There are many other forms of protein that you can choose instead of soy. A few of these choices are whey, casein, and even pea protein. Each type of protein serves a different purpose, so don’t be afraid to mix and match for best results.

Check out this article to learn more about the potential dangers of soy:

