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Detox This!

Summer will be here in no time and you are probably thinking of getting that body in summer condition, right? You want that nice and lean look so when you hit the beach people are like “damn what did that person do to get that body”?

All things said, I am guessing that you are probably looking for some shortcuts to that lean look? So, you hit the internet for some diet ideas. You see that outdated Atkins and south beach diet. You think about it, but then you remember that you did that last year and your results were ok to mediocre.

So, you tell yourself that you want something new and fresh and you come across detox diets. You see that it’s the RED CARPET diet and that many Hollywood stars use it from Beyoncé to Ann Hathaway to Gwyneth Paltrow. So, you nod your head in agreement that you are going to give it a try. Allow me to save you the trouble of disappointment, grief, and a potential visit to the hospital….DONT do it!

In a nutshell, a detox diet is designed to rid your body of all the nasty chemicals in processed food. Supposedly, these chemicals are polluting your body causing you to be tired while also slowing down your metabolism. Going through a detox will purge your body of toxins, increase your metabolism, and in return make you feel more revitalized!

What a bunch of bologna! In reality, your kidneys, liver, and colon rid your body of any toxins. You do not need some stupid diet to tell you to starve yourself for 12 hours, drink some soupy, nasty liquid for 20 days, and maintain a diet without process foods.

And, if you survive you will lose 10-20 pounds! But all that goes right back on in three days because if you stay on that diet you will die!

You will also see testimonials of people saying how much energy they have since they began the detox. But guess what? These people were convinced from the beginning, so of course they believe it works! When was the last time you saw a hungry person having LOTS OF ENERGY?

There is no scientific evidence that a detox diet will make you lose weight while also purging your body of chemicals. Dr. OZ has his own 3-day detox which isn’t a surprise since he has already sold his sole to the devil.

If you really feel that your body is in need of some cleansing, increase the fruits, vegetables, nuts, and almonds in your diet and instead of drinking soda, drink water. The fruits and vegetables have fiber which will improve your bowel movement. In addition, eating these foods from above actually contain antioxidants and phytochemicals which will fight off those free radicals that are part of chemical reactions. The diet change can be that simple.
